LiDAR Filters

We provide customized optical filter solutions for all your lidar applications.

Lidar — an acronym for light detection and ranging — is a remote sensing technology that uses light pulses to get information about surrounding objects. Historically, lidar systems have been used for surveying equipment, satellites, and specialized photography. Today, they’re commonly used for consumer devices, like self-driving cars, smartphones, and even vacuum cleaners.

Stray and ambient light can make it difficult for lidar systems to acquire a signal in any application. You can distinguish between lidar wavelengths and other light sources with an optical filter from Salvo Technologies.

Our Lidar Specialty Filters

We carry numerous types of bandpass filters — also known as thin-film interference filters — for lidar applications, including:

  • UV bandpass filters: Ultraviolet (UV) bandpass filters transmit UV light wavelengths (180 to 400 nm) while blocking out-of-band signals.
  • Visible bandpass filters: Visible bandpass filters transmit visible light wavelengths (400 to 700 nm), including shorter blue and longer red wavelengths. They also reflect central green visible wavelengths.
  • NIR bandpass filters: Near-infrared (NIR) filters transmit near-infrared light wavelengths (700 to 1,100 nanometers) while blocking signals at higher and lower wavelengths.
  • SWIR bandpass filters: Short-wave infrared (SWIR) filters transmit short-wave infrared light wavelengths (1,100 to 3,000 nm) at narrow bandwidths.
  • Remote sensing bandpass filters: Remote sensing filters transmit visible and infrared spectral bands to analyze natural and human-made features.

Benefits of Our Lidar Filters

Our lidar filters offer many essential benefits. They have durable, multilayer hard coatings, enabling them to withstand the harsh environmental conditions characteristic of many lidar applications. They’re also virtually absorption-free, providing high transmission over ultranarrow bandwidths and deep out-of-band blocking over larger wavelengths.

Our lidar filters also have steep edge transitions between the high transmission bandpass and the longer and shorter wavelength reflection bands — significantly steeper than polymer gels and colored glass.

Other lidar filter features and benefits include:

  • Excellent spectral stability.
  • Lifetime performance, with no fading or aging.
  • Uniform coatings.
  • Low sensitivity to temperature variations and angles of incidence (AOI).

Lidar Filter Applications

You can use our specialty optical filters for numerous lidar applications, including:

  • Security.
  • Surveillance.
  • Machine vision.
  • Original equipment manufacturer (OEM) sensing and imaging.
  • Scientific instrumentation.
  • Geology.
  • Agriculture.

Lidar Filter Customization

We provide custom filters to meet all your application requirements. We match your specific bandwidths and cut-on/-off wavelengths to isolate your lidar return signal with less background. We’ll also configure our solutions to your unique shapes and sizes, with custom coating options available.