Kreischer Optics is a leading manufacturer of complex optical components used in multiple segments, including the semiconductor, medical imaging, entertainment, security, defense, and commercial and optical metrology industries. With over 70 years in the industry, Kreischer Optics has become a go-to supplier for high-end and complex optical components. Kreischer is one of the first companies to embrace CNC optical fabrication techniques and was a beta test site for their development. Today Kreischer provides some of the most challenging products that enable some of the most cutting-edge technologies and continues to be an innovator in the industry.
Salvo Technologies acquired Kreischer Optics Ltd in April 2021.
The acquisition of Kreischer completes a series of strategic moves to upgrade our manufacturing capabilities through organic growth and investment, as well as acquisitions like Kreischer. It is increasing Salvo Technologies’ manufacturing base and adding complementary asphere and complex optical fabrication capabilities that allow Salvo Technologies to serve its existing customer base better.
Immediately following the Arrow Thin Films acquisition, Kreischer was an essential linchpin in our overall strategy of creating a vertically integrated precision optical components group. Pair this with our internal investment in new CNC optical manufacturing equipment and coating platforms. Salvo is now at the scale of much larger manufacturers that just a year ago seemed out of reach.